Who cares about drain cleaning?

Who cares about drain cleaning?

Who cares about drain cleaning?

When it comes to maintaining your home there are an overwhelming number of things to keep in mind. You might want to get together an annual list of things to check off. Your drainage system is probably one of the last things you would consider getting checked, it should just keep working on its own, right? Tai Irwin Plumbing knows too well the problems that can sprout from blocked drains. Unfortunately we also know that many of these problems could have been avoided by a simple drain cleaning service.

Most people only think of calling a plumber when they experience a blocked drain but the problem can be resolved before it happens through a simple drain inspection and clean. We have put together a number of reasons to get your drains checked every 12-18 months.

Avoid Odours

Nobody wants to have to deal with an unpleasant stench, especially not inside your lovely home. A clear indicator of something unhealthy happening in your drains is a bad smell. Over time build up of food, leaf litter, hair and other materials can cause partial blocks in your drains, and this becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and other germs. Drain cleaning can avoid these partial blocks and help you steer clear of unsavoury smells caused by decomposing material in your drains. Smells aside, healthy clear drains mean less chance of a major blockage resulting in emergency plumbing and call out fees.

Bacteria loves dirty drains

Drains are a great breeding grounds for bacteria like E.coli and salmonella. Considering the kind of waste that makes its way through our drains each day thereโ€™s no wonder that bacteria enjoy these conditions. A drain cleaning service can eradicate bacteria and sterilise drains in order to minimise the potential for illness for your family.

Heavy Rain Problems

Storm and heavy rain happens often and they can be the cause for blocked drains. Runoff from heavy rain can cause excess leaf litter and garden material to end up in the bottom of your drains and pipes. Drain cleaning will remove the build up and ensure no blockage occurs in the next wild Sydney storm.

Divert Disaster

When you organise regular drain cleaning, Tai Irwin plumbers inspect your drains and piping to ensure your drainage system is in good health. Drain inspection is important for preventing cracked pipes, badly blocked and overflowing drains, root intervention, litter build up and various other disastrous issues. A blocked or smelly drain is usually caused by a build up over time and larger drainage problems could have been avoided in most cases.

Save your hard earned cash

Drain cleaning can save you money further down the track. Itโ€™s far more economical to organise drain cleaning, rather than being hit with a whopping bill for replacing pipes that have been cracked by tree roots or fixing a blocked drain that requires hours of labour.

In between drain cleaning

While we do recommend regular drain cleaning, we have a few tips, tricks and home remedies up our sleeve to ensure your drains and pipes stay free-flowing between services.

  • If you notice your kitchen or bathroom sink is draining slowly try pouring a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda down the sink hole. Leave it for 30 minutes and then pour hot water down to clear away the mixture. This will dissolve and wash away any small blockages.
  • Use drain screens to stop food, hair and other material from passing down the drain.
  • Never put oil or grease down the sink or into drains.
  • Pouring boiling water down your drains weekly or fortnightly is great for maintenance between professional drain cleaning.
  • Keep a plunger handy.
  • Call a professional. Store-bought drain cleaners are corrosive and bad for the environment. If you have a tricky problem that canโ€™t be fixed by a plunger itโ€™s best to call in the pros

If you want to prevent plumbing problems in the future consider our high pressure drain cleaning service. Contact us for an upfront quote. We use up to date technology to ensure your drains and pipes are free from debris and flow efficiently. For a friendly and efficient preventative plumbing service call Tai Irwin 02 9199 7485.

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