Gas heating pro’s and con’s

Gas heating pro’s and con’s

thinking people

Gas heating pro’s and con’s

Winter is here, and with it comes the age-old battle between comfort and cost. While in Sydney we’re lucky to live in a part of the country that has mild winters, keeping our homes toasty warm during the cooler months is still a very real necessity. And unfortunately, it can be an expensive one.

Being licensed Northern Beaches plumbers and gas fitters we often get asked about the pros and cons of gas heating and if we would recommend it. Many older houses in this area already have central gas heating, and it can be easy enough to install it in newer houses, too.

There are a lot of positives about using natural gas – it’s cheaper, cleaner and more energy efficient. But like most things, there are two sides to the story. Check out our list of pros and cons to see if gas heating is right for you:

The upsides:

Energy Efficiency:

Put simply, it takes less energy to heat gas to a higher temperature than other fuels, which results in a lower energy bill for you. Gas is also significantly more effective at warming larger spaces quickly, which also contributes to cheaper bills.

No Disruptions:

With gas heating you’ll never be left in the cold, which is excellent news. Unlike electricity, your gas supply is not affected when storms hit or a power surge occurs, meaning that you and your family will stay warm and comfortable despite the storm raging outside.

Fast, consistent heating:

Ducted gas heating is the most effective way to warm your home quickly. As soon as your heating system is turned on, the heat begins to flow into your home. No matter how cold it is outside, you’ll never have to wait long for your house to warm up.

Cleaner and greener:

Natural gas produces far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than most other sources of energy – in fact, gas heating systems have been shown to produce 75% less greenhouse gasses than electrical heating.

The downsides:


Depending on when you live, there may not be access to a natural gas supply. Mains gas is usually available through most major cities, but the supply might be limited in regional or rural areas. Give us a call if you’d like to find out if your home has access to a natural gas supply.

Fossil Fuel:

Like all fossil fuels, natural gas is not a renewable resource and does produce some greenhouse gas emissions. In saying that though, natural gas is the cleanest and most energy efficient of all fossil fuels and is considerably more environmentally friendly than oil or coal.


While problems are extremely unlikely, natural gas can be a highly dangerous and volatile substance. To make leaks easy to detect, gas companies add a very distinctive sulphuric odor to natural gas. To avoid danger, always make sure you have your gas heating installed and serviced by an accredited gas fitter, and if you think you have a leak call us immediately – we’ll get a reliable 24 hr emergency plumber out to you pronto!

At Tai Irwin Plumbers, we’ve had more than 30 years experience helping families in the North Shore and Northern Beaches stay warm, dry and safe throughout winter. If you’re thinking about installing gas heating in your home, or would like to get your gas system or appliances serviced, talk to a Tai Irwin Plumber today.

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